• As one of the leading tungsten enterprise in the world our business range covers from mining, dressing, metallurgical processing, powder producing, producing of cemented carbide and tools, producing and deep processing of tungsten alloy, Chongyi Zhangyuan Tungsten Co.,Ltd is highly committed to offering best working environment and opportunity for the employees, providing excellent products and service to our customers, and rich return for our shareholders, Chongyi Zhangyuan Tungsten Co.,Ltd always dedicate to harmonious development with the society.
It is the conflict free minerals policy of Chongyi Zhangyuan Tungsten Co.,Ltd to avoid the use of conflict minerals which directly or indirectly finance or benefit armed groups in the conflict-affected regions such as Democratic Republic of Congo or adjoining countries, in line with full compliance to the Industry Code of Conduct.
In the implementation of our policies covering sourcing of raw materials, we are following the applicable OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict Affected and High Risk Areas. In summary, consistent with the OECD guide requirements for sourcing of tungsten.
章源钨业在钨原材料和钨产品采购政策的实施中,将遵循《OECD受冲突影响地区和高风险地区矿物负责任的供应链尽职调查指南》的规定,与经合组织(OECD),钨行业冲突矿石委员会( TI-CMC)等组织或机构紧密合作,建立一套可靠且有效的程序,用于隔离和消除所有非人道主义钨矿的开采和交易,并允许冲突地区内合法的钨矿开采和交易得以继续进行。
Communicate our ethical and sustainable sourcing policy to our suppliers, employees, customers and investors and perform internal monitoring of our performance to these standards.
We strongly encourage all organizations involved in tungsten mining, manufacturing, or the use of tungsten products to join us in keeping conflict minerals out of our supply chain.
Chongyi Zhangyuan Tungsten Co.,Ltd
Released on April 2nd, 2014