Party building overview

At the beginning of our company's establishment, a party branch was established. It was upgraded to a party committee in July 2006. Now it has 11 party branches and more than 240 party members. 50% of the company's senior managers are members of the party committee, 70% of the middle-level cadres are party members, and 100% of the party activists are the backbone of the business.


 Party building work

In recent years, the company's party committee has closely combined with the actual situation of non-public enterprise, introduced advanced concepts and management methods of ISO9001 quality standards into party building work, and established a "one-two-three-four-five" party building work system. The “one” is to focus on one general idea of party building work, and take service, production and operation as the first priority of the party building work. The “two” is to play the "two roles", i.e. to guide the party organization to play the role of political core, political leadership, and fighting fortress, and lead party members to become role models. The “three” is to innovate the "Three Meetings and Three Performance Cards" work model, building a platform for party organizations to participate in the company's decision-making and management, for proprietors to understand and support party building work, and for employees to contribute ideas and reflect demands for the development of the enterprise. This work model was promoted among the city's non-public enterprises in 2019. The “four” is to establish the "four grasps" working method of party building, i.e. to take strict management, precise service, practice innovation, and model highlight as the starting point, formulate and implement the enterprise work plan of "precise policy and precise service", set up party members (model workers) studios, such as Qiu Lianchang studio, Xu Guozuan studio and so on, establish the "Three Cultivation" working system, and hold the "Brilliant Zhangyuan Person" competition for technique, culture, and sports, so as to build a well-oiled vehicle for serving the enterprise. The “five” refers to the formation of "party, government, industry, youth, women" five-in-one staff ideological and political work system, "five must talk and five must visit" work method and "discipline inspection commission, supervision, supervisors, finance, internal control" five-in-one discipline inspection and supervision work system, which can maintain the stability of the workforce, strengthen the supervision of major projects and key work of the enterprise.
With the above ideas, methods and systems, we will further encourage the party organizations and members at all levels of our company to play a key and leading role in the production and operation of the enterprise, quality and efficiency improvement, project research, transformation and upgrading, etc., realize the deep integration of party building work and production and operation, and form a party building work system of non-public enterprises with Zhangyuan characteristics.



In 2011, the company's party committee was rated as "the province's advanced grass-roots party organization" by the Jiangxi provincial party committee, and was rated as "advanced grass-roots party organization" by cities and counties for many times.